Everything you need to know to know the basics of web design
Everything you need to know to know the basics of web design

Everything you need to know to know the basics of web design

If you want to start your journey in the world of web design, here are some Skills that you need to master.

First you need to have the technical knowledge on how to create a page by coding in HTML.  Then you need to be able to use CSS to create the visual effects you want, be it a particular layout, typography, or color and background.

1.  You need to know the basics of HTML -

The most important step to becoming a web designer is to learn how to code HTML.  At the end of this short course you will learn what HTML is, how it works and how to use its most common elements.  You start with an empty space and get your first fully functional basic handmade page.  This will give you a basic foundation on which to build your Future Design.

2.  Learn CSS Typography -

If you are a beginner Web Designer and ready to learn CSS, work with attitude.

If there is one genre that is better than the other styling in Web Design in terms of logic, that is typography.  Ideally, your website is based on perfect typography, and the rest of the design is based on it.  For this reason, it is very important to first understand the typography part in a design process.

3.  Learn how to create a CSS layout -

In this Course you will learn everything you need to know about creating the most common type of Layout in Web Design.

4.  Learn about CSS colors and backgrounds -

You can transmit some life to your website through CSS colors and backgrounds.

You will learn the basic skills required of a web designer.  Of course, web design has a broader subject than this, and we have numerous courses on advanced topics like animation, javascript, jquery, and the like.